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2025 Board of Directors





(Elected Oct 2024. Effectivity Jan 2025)

  Merli David  
  President - Oct 2023- Oct 2025  2T   
Sinnia2023 280x373b rufa280x373  marie5 allan board2019 cropped 4x3   fajardo
Sinnia Magtibay Rufa Pequit Marie Ninobla Allan Baclayon Jhun Fajardo
Vice President -Ext Vice President -Int Secretary Treasurer Auditor
Oct 2024 - Oct 2026 2T Oct 2024 - Oct 2026 2T Oct 2024 - Oct 2026 2T Oct 2024 - Oct 2025 1T Oct 2024 - Oct 2026 1T
Mabel280x373  lynshaughnessy160x213 yolly2   monete3  Maevargas
Mabel Ardinazo Lyn Shaughnessy Yolly Heintzelman Monette Martinez Mae Stempien
Public Information Officer Women's Affairs Charity Director Membership Director Sports &Youth
Oct 2024 - Oct 2025 1T Oct 2024 - Oct 2025 1T Oct 2024 - Oct 2026 1T Oct 2024 - Oct 2026 2T Oct 2024 - Oct 2025 1T

Board Of Trustees

 waway280x373 caloy 3 nerio 280x373 aimee280x373
 Eduardo Cabello  Roel Magtibay  Nerio Pequeno Aimee Cabello
President 2009-2014  President 2014-2015  President 2015-2017 President 2020-2023


The governing body of the Association shall be the Executive Board. The Executive
Board shall exercise authority over policies and procedures, programs, fundraising,
and budgets of all organizational units and appointed groups. FALConn operates on a
fiscal year from September 1 through August 30. 



For Membership Application, please click >> JOIN US! | Facebook >> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  | Google >> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.